Och aye Jimmy(s). Left our adults only campsite (oddly quiet) just north of Carlisle at a record early 7.50. We then schlaped it 20 miles down the road to the border for tourist pictures - my eyes like the perverbial holes in the snow. Immediately, we bumped into a Scottish policeman with our first Scottish accent. Head down in the saddle for 2 hours can result in almost an entirely different dialect.
Langholm followed in close order. It was good of the local community to turn out en masse on horseback with the local brass band to celebrate our arrival. Then it was the Borders. We were literally flying at this stage, propelled up, and down, 3 long but steady hills, by a welcome south westerly and sunshine. We hit Peebles with 70 miles under our belts at around 2.30. Cakes and coffee were stowed on board and we belted down to Edinburgh!
I write from a pub near Mikey and Lucy Teall's house awaiting their return. Dr James' sister Heather joins us too later for some mid journey celebration. The plan is being hatched but may involve a few drinks tonight, and a lie in tomorrow as we make the most of anticipated excellent hospitality. The rain that has just followed us here may influence us a little. The hail that Hanky tells me is on its way for the next few days should be fun...
Love and tablet (Scottish shortbread apparently), J